Sunday 13 July 2014

10th July 2014

(A draft blog that Jen wrote and forgot to publish).

We've been busy  ..I've been Team Teaching with 6 Chinese.   A pretty easy time for me but very frustrating too.   As our Chinese instructors are only take 4 students by themselves  ..I jumped on to increase numbers.   The confined pool session was interesting.  Visibility was only around a one and a half meters and for such bad conditions, they did pretty well, the 3 students that I could actually see.  I wasn't too impressed with some of the skills though.  I find that most of the Chinese instructors are really aggressive and heavy handed with their students which I don't think is necessary.

Anyway, in the Open water  ..we all started the dives together but as soon as the skills were done, I was off.    The students weren't bad, a few issues with bendy legs but all n all, pretty good.  The biggest issues was that they were all over weighted, so after stopping and taking weights off every student, things were much better and we had a pretty good dive.   By the end of the course, they'd improved considerably.

Back off the boat, I only had a few minutes before I found out that I was straight back into the classroom, teaching OW again with 15 students.  Thankfully I was sharing the academics with an other instructor which made things easier..  Day 2, I was scheduled for academics in the morning and the confined pool session in the afternoon.  I managed the morning classroom session pretty well but struggled in the pool,   I was freezing, which is not like me at all.  By the end of the session, I was so cold and tired that I could have cried. 

...That evening, Si dropped me home and I've been in bed ever since  ..sleeping 20hrs or so for the last couple of days


rosie posie said...

Oh Jen, that is unlike you. You keep taking in the fluids and if it doesn't get better, go get checked out. Hope Simone is looking after princess.....!

jenny said...

SImone always looks after me, too well I think :-D