Monday 3 February 2014

3rd February 2014

Hey guys,

Been a few days... I have 'Man Flu' , while Jen is busy teaching another course.  Within this course there is a fella called Darren.

Darren is the son of Garth, who used to live on the farm with me and Jen many moons ago. Darren has since grown up!  The last time I saw him was a few years ago, while having a few beers with Garth and Darren in London...

Anyway, the course is going well, and Darren should complete his course today... (possible video coming soon!!)... then he will continue onto the Advanced course too...

In the meantime, our new lodger's hair is getting enormous!!

 And boy, tonights sunset was a doozy




Roy said...

Garth, who I know?

rosie posie said...

Wow Daren has changed....! Sooo grown up and not bad looking. So envious you are swimming with the fishes and Jen.
Enjoy the video!

Unknown said...

Yes... That Garth!

Darren is working his way around the world to meet his Dad in LA