Sunday 30 September 2012

1st October 2012

The last few days I have been out of the water due to my very sore foot.. I am glad to report it is getting better, but slowly...

The structure is coming on... another day or 2 of welding should suffice... and then we shall deploy it at Junkyard over the next week or so.

Jen has been teaching, and conducting the dive site cleanup... It was the biggest this year with 36 participants from our dive school... brilliant!

Today, we are off!!  Jen has laid in bed till almost mid day, while I sort our flights back to the UK...

I can now confirm, that we shall be arriving back on the 14th December and staying for a month... Get those spare rooms ready!!!




Roy said...

You're welcome anytime !

Yvonne said...

Can't wait to see you, plenty of room for two little ones xxxxx