Thursday 14 April 2011

14th April 2011

The last few days have been troublesome with power issues. Most of the day it is off, and I am still out of the water with the lingering ear infection.

Yesterday was "Songkran" the Thai New Year. I shall do a post about this in a couple of days, but first I have some other stuff to tell you.

A couple of days ago, my nan had a stroke and was taken to hospital, my brother let me know via skype, and I spoke briefly by text to Dad yesterday. Last night, while i was asleep, Dad called...

When I woke this morning and saw 3 missed calls, I feared the worst... sadly my feelings were right and my nan had passed away.

Its quite difficult to put my feelings into words. I was not the best grandson, and saw her only a few times in the last couple of years. Life is alway full of jobs to do, and seem to be constantly busy that sometimes you lose focus on important things.... like family.

Being so far away is very hard sometimes, in moments like now when I could be on hand to help Dad.. for that I am sorry...

Jen and I both send our love Dad........





Roy said...

A sad moment in our lives but a moment to reflect how Nan was as a person, she was after all our NANA. RIP Nan. You WILL BE MISSED :(

Phil said...

We are sorry to hear that guys, our sympathies are with you all. P&J