Thursday 23 October 2014

22nd October 2014

With some real whopper storms overnight, its seems that the Monsoon season is about to commence.
Jenny started an Open Water course today with 5 students... for this time of year that is quite a big group. I think she is quite looking forward to getting back into the groove.

I spent time with the Eco crew, helping out with Clam Transplants at Junkyard... The visibility was pretty poor so I didn't see much, but its still nice to be underwater.!

I have also spent some time working on and . Both websites need various things implemented, but trying to catch up with the right people is proving to be difficult.

With a little bit of UK work, a bit of flying the drone, and preparing for an upcoming Self Reliant Course that I am teaching in 2 days... the time is passing quickly...

Drone Footage 1 -

Drone Footage 2 -

Now, if I could just get some sleep through the storms!



1 comment:

rosie posie said...

I was back there with you after watching the video's..! What a talent you have Simone, go into film production. Just brilliant. XxxX