Thursday 16 October 2014

15th October 2014

The flight to Bangkok was good even though I/we didn't get a lot of sleep.  Arriving in the morning was a lot cooler, which was nice.

After getting to the apartment, I rested and Simon went on a mammoth journey across town drop his computer in for repair.   He'd arranged this whilst in the UK and it's going to take 3 days, so to be safe, we're staying a couple of more days.  I must have slept for a few hours as I was wide awake most of the night ;-)  DOH!

Tuesday morning I had an appointment with the dentist and from there we went to Ikea and had a good look around.  We bought a very thin quilt and quilt cover Simon was a little fed up with sleeping under an over sized towel.  After spending an hour or so walking around we tried to find an LCD screen for Si's new GoPro  ..every shop we asked in,  just smiled, laughed and said 'No'  ..very frustrated and tired, we headed back to the apartment for a well earned cup of tea.  In the evening we went to 'Charlie Browns' a Mexican restaurant that we've been to a few times.  Tuesday night was 1/2 price margarita night, so taking advantage, we ended up drinking 2 pitchers :-D

As a result of that, Simon's been poorly all day today  ..he's been so bad that he hasn't even been out of the door.  Poor ole thing :-D    I on the other hand, have been the doting wife ..making him breakfast (when he eventually felt like eating), cups of tea, snuggling up on the sofa and going into town for supplies and dinner.    

I did manage to go for a swim which was lovely, especially being the only person in the pool.



rosie posie said...

Oh poor ole Simone. Hope he is feeling better. What a lovely poo, wish I was there with you Jen swimming up and down. Fancy Ikea there in Bangkok, Pip favorite shop. Great sheets etc..! : ) xxx

jenny said...

He's feeling much better now :-D I wish you were here too Rosie xx

RogerD said...

Something tells me that Simon bought a Go-Pro in the Duty Free shop at T5...........? x

Unknown said...

Dad.... How did you know!


It was too tempting being duty free!