Friday 6 June 2014

5th June 2014

Today, was a working day... Jenny had Discover Scuba Diving students to attend to, while I created a new promo for the video guys...

We left Dad & Kate to chill out at their hotel for the day... and we were going to meet up in the evening for a BBQ at our pad.

I had lost my phone after leaving the restaurant the previous night... So spent some of the day calling it and sending lock codes out.

Anyway, after several hours I made a new promo video... Click here to view..

Then, a couple of hours running around getting food, making potato salad, and getting the BBQ going...I popped out to check if my phone had been found at the restaurant... and YES!! I have my phone back... Phew!

Dad and Kate eventually arrived after a small downpour and we ate some food and showed them the house....

Then, it was time to retire... Dad & Kate caught a taxi back to their resort... ready for a busy next day touring the island....



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