Sunday 21 July 2013

20th July 2013

Not much has happened with me.  I've been at home, watching various tv (elementary, The impossible, big brother) series, films and drinking lots of tea.  My back has eased off a bit, Im now able to get up in less than 10 seconds and I've been doing various exercises which I've found on the internet for my back, for the sciatic nerve ...not sure whether it's helping but it's only day 2 :-D

Si on the other hand has had a nightmare few days.  Finishing off with the school kids, attending bowling and bbq's which were mandatory and then yesterday, he started another Open Water.  With a sore back, sinus issues and just being absolutely shattered he's not a happy bunny.  I've only seen him to talk to for an hour at a time, if that  ...the rest of the time he's been asleep  ..oh and to top things off, tonight he's on late shift till 8pm .


Roy said...

Awwww, missing hubby? He'll be back soon. Fingers crossed here that your back gets back to itself again.

jenny said...

Hopefully, Thanks Roy xx