Saturday 20 July 2013

18th July 2013

It's been a funny ole time.  I had a couple of ex students that came back to finish off their Advanced course, just doing Navigation and Peak Performance Buoyancy which went really well.  On the way back on the boat, I picked up a piece of plastic to put in the bin and put my back out  ..great!!! 

 After several massages (been to see a woman who works on all the Mauy Thai guys) it was feeling stiff but feeling much looser with a small break, I decided Id be ok and take part in the kids Open Waters  ...the confined pool session went OK was very hectic and with 46 odd kids, plus instructors in the pool, we had to stagger who was doing what  (deep, shallow skills) but it worked out ...and my back was feeling OK.
Simon was on a different schedule, he was doing 'Advanced' with some of the kids but we were both out on the morning boats. As the school kids schedule was so tight, it's been a really stressful period for everyone, the logistics is just a nightmare, not that I've really been involved, as i've not been able to help much, not being able to lift anything  ..Anyway, the next morning, what seemed like hundreds of kids mulling around Crystal, students were found, bags were checked for equipment and we headed down to the boat.  All the kids stem from 15 - 18 but my group of 6, look like 10/12yr olds. of the girls is so petite, that my arms are huge in comparison to her legs and struggles even lifting the equipment even though she's a baby tank on her back.
Briefing done, kitted up, I climbed into the water to put my kit on I asked another instructor to demo the Giant stride off the boat as I just didnt want to chance straining my back the water to start with the kids were a nightmare ..everywhere, up/down but the last 10 mins, they all seemed to get their buoyancy and I was happy..  on they surface they completed their skills and got back on the boat ..I took my kit off in the water and climbed up the ladder  ..and my back went again since then I've been out of the water and feel like a 200yr old as getting up or sitting down is a painful process  ...poor ole Si's been suffering too,with a bad back,UK work and last night had to sleep on the couch as he didnt want to disturb me  ..argh, he's my hero!!


Roy said...

Back problems are a nightmare - I've had them, so I know what it's like. I can only hope you both feel better soon.

jenny said...

thanks Roy xxxx ..loved yr video's by the way

Roy said...

Ta. I need to get back into things but it's difficult sometimes. I'll try to post some more soon. Big love xxxx