Saturday 16 March 2013

16th March 2013

Well.... so far so good.

I had blood tests 4 days ago to check my levels, and it seems that the Dengue has finally abated.!

However, due to the large dosage of paracetamol that I have been prescribed over the last 10 days... my liver is working overtime.

Since my Dengue, they sent in a team of fumigators to kill all the bad boys! The mosquito population has virtually dissapeared overnight, which is great news and hopefully will reduce any further Dengue sufferers.

So, this week is a journey of detox... eating healthy, no alcohol, and definately no painkillers.

Blood tests in a few more days, and an update then!




Roy said...

How can they eradicate mossies on the whole island? Is that possible?

Glad things are looking up for you.

Unknown said...

With a shed load of smoke!

And no... not eradicated, but the dengue carrying species "Aedes Aegypti" mossie... has been targeted, and I haven't seen any since!

They are very recognisable from their black and white stripes.. doesn't mean that you get dengue... there is just a chance that they have the dengue virus in their bodies.


rosie posie said...

How big is the shed.. : )

So glad you are improving and getting back to normal. Detox is good, don't rush back in after.
Hope Jen is well and all good there. Hugs xx