Monday 20 June 2011

20th June 2011

Yesterday, we were privileged enough to be allowed on board the 1st boat to go find the wreck..

One of the guys took a camera, and got the first view of the ship underwater...

Here it is.. ( 1st 45 secs are the same as previous post!)




Roy said...

Is it at 30m? Looks like its landed on its side? It'll be nice to get some shots of it inside! Interesting dive.

Yvonne said...

Why do they sink the ships rather than refurbish them, and is good for coral to grow on????????????????

Unknown said...

The ship was built in 1947... well past its sell by date.. Would cost more to refurbish that build a new one.. Coral wise, eventually it will create a new reef.. hopefully!!

The bottom sits at 29m, but there is rumour that the Navy are returning to pull it straight... we shall see!!


RogerD said...

Nice transition explaining why the sinking is not shown.......