Friday 9 July 2010

Day 155 - 9th July 2010

Today, we rose early and headed down to the ferry. We met Nathan and Kailash, who were heading off the island to the mainland for some much needed items.

We caught the Lomprayah high speed catamaran and was on the mainland in 1hr 30mins.

After doing the tour of shops such as Carre Four and Makro.. Nathan had what he needed, and I had managed to pick up some Dried Soy Protein!!! Might be able to make myself some veggie sausages.

Another item we managed to grab is a sheet! Its too hot for a blanket at night, and the Thai's don't use sheets except over the mattress... so fitted sheets are very common and flat normal ones aren't... So we were very happy to find these (have I got a bit too in depth about sheets?)

After our mostly successful tour, we dropped off our bikes, and waited several hours in a bar for the ferry. Unfortunately, some drunk American guy attached himself to us and bored me silly for ages.. Then his Thai girlfriend rocked up after a while and slapped him around the face for lying to her about where he was. It was quite annoying, and I was gagging to get the ferry and not listen to them fighting. I think at one point, he puked over himself and man... that was not nice....

At 10pm ish we boarded the ferry. The Talay Sub is a cargo vessel with a few mattress to transport some passengers. It took 6 hours to get back to Koh Tao through the night... I did not sleep a wink, and spent most of the night pacing.

I did see 3 shooting stars though!!

Anyway, returning back to Koh Tao we picked up our bikes and headed home... still awake I did some work stuff and retired about 7am...


Yvonne said...

You must have shattered, did you get your sinuses checked out while you were there?

Roy said...

I have to say that the sleeping area looks minging! How clean are the mattresses? Ewwww.

Good luck with the sausages. I think you'll have trouble making them though, as typically the sausage is formed in a casing traditionally made from intestine. How are you going to manage that?!! ;)

Unknown said...

The mattresses are not great.... but you have to put up with it... thankfully no bed bugs!!

Sausages have been made... oh dear is all I can say.!

RogerD said...

Looka like Thai Business Class to me x