Saturday 15 May 2010

Day 99 - 14th May 2010

Due to severe temperatures and the rapid bleaching, Simon and I went out with our video camera's to get some footage for Nathan, while he and the Reef Check students did a practice survey along the transect line.  Si will be putting together a short movie for you guys to watch soon.

The amount and speed that the corals are bleaching is incredible.  Most of the solitary mushroom corals are on their way to be fully bleached, whist other boulder coral seems to be bleaching from the bottom up.
Anyway, along our travels we disturbed an eagle ray which shot past us and scared the life out of me.   
After a 105 minute dive, only at 5/6 meters I hasten to add, we climbed back on the longtail and head back to Crystal.  On our way back into shore the heavens opened and at last we had some decent rain, it was a real struggling to carry tanks and  the kit from the boat whilst being battered by the rain. 

Once the rain stopped, Nath, Simon and I walked off the beach with our camera's and snorkelling gear in hand to check out the coral nursary that we'd set up a few weeks ago and to tag 9 different corals for monitoring.  

Back at home we showered and relaxed for a bit.

Tonight, there's a free bbq at 'Vibe' as 3 people are leaving Koh Tao.  We headed out around 8.30pm to say our goodbyes and to find the bbq was already finished.  They obviously underestimated about how many people were going to show.   Anyway after multiple beers, chats and laughter, we headed home just after midnight.

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