Thursday 25 March 2010

Day 49 - 23 March 2010

Today we were diving with New Heaven Dive School in Chalok as Nathan sent us a  text last night saying he could do with our help to do some random quadrant surveys on the Bio-rock.(metal domes that have a low electric current running through them to promote coral growth - see older post 11/02/09)

Diving with 'New Heaven' was a new experience as we had to ride to the other end of the island, then wait for a taxi which had all our dive kit in, the get on the longtail with our bags to get to New heavens dive boat which was tiny compared to Crystals and then headed out.

Once moored up we all kitted up and jumped in.  Si and I took slates and a large meter square which was sectioned off with rope into 25 sections.  With this we were going to each of the metal domes to estimate the growth & type of coral within the square placed at 120,150 & 180 degrees and at 1, 2 & 3 meters from bottom.  Whilst doing this the rest of the team looked for broken living coral that could be transplanted onto the biorock, then attached it.

On the way back to the boat, Si spotted a massive puffa fish on the seabed which didnt move when we approached which is slightly odd, perhaps it was sick, not too sure.

On land, we gathered and recorded our findings whilst we grabbed lunch in at 'KopPee' coffee shop.
Back at Crystal we waited for our kit to be taxied back and then when it arrived, washed it and packed it away.

That evening after going home and showering, we nipped back to Crystal for a couple of beers and to watch aa open water video and then shot home after picking a takeaway at 'Kanya's'   There food is just delishious!



Roy said...

Nice clear pic - what camera are you using (presumably in a housing)?

Unknown said...

I just take my iphone down... wrapped in a plastic bag... :-)

Okay, maybe I'm lying... see a post in the next day or so regarding a housing!