Saturday 12 October 2019

12 October 2019

Hi everyone, we hope you are all well and enjoying life.
Well, we are back in Koh Tao after spending an amazing month with Rosie and the gang on the farm, in the UK.  Our month's break was well needed as both Simon and I were going a bit island crazy.  You all might think it's wonderful living and working on a tropical island, diving most days, sunshine all year round but believe me, it can wear you down ;-D  The last month or so on the island we were going through vigorous training, justifying our work, submitting proposals to the DMCR (Department of Coastal Resources) in order to get approval of all our reef restoration efforts of which we're still waiting for the OK ..
Si, briefing the DMCR
Funnily enough, it's a running joke that whenever we come back to visit, it always seems to be my Birthday no matter what time of the year it is :-D  This time was and I was thoroughly spoilt by everyone.  Big Sis and husband Rob drove up from Sussex for the day which was brilliant and brought me the superb scuba cake as well as some of the best shortbread she's ever made  :-D   I adore Jans shortbread!

Best Birthday cake ever!

Out with Roger & Kate at the Little Bay Croydon 
This picture was from the Little Bay Restaurant in Croydon when we visited Si's Dad.  Live opera while you eat.  A very funny and enjoyable evening!

out in the big smoke
One my prezzies from Si was a trip to London to:

'Jeff Wayne’s The War of The Worlds: The Immersive Experience.  A combination  of immersive theatre, virtual reality, augmented reality, holograms and other cutting-edge technology; giving audiences the chance to live through the Martian invasion of 1898

A superb day out, which we shared with Roy, Simon's brother as it was his belated birthday prezzie

Geocaching in Devon
We were also lucky enough to spend a week in Devon with Si's family in Croyde.  A stunning part of the country where we walked for miles along the coast geocaching along the way.  The weather the week we went was supposed to be horrible but anytime we'd go out walking the sun was shining down, so we were so so lucky.  We even got aunty Pat on a 3.5 mile hike, not bad going for a 78yr old ..that sounds old but she's about 28 at heart

While Simon went to see his friends in Welling, I drove down to Sussex with my sisters Rosie and Fi to visit Jan and spend the day catching up.  What a giggle and thoroughly enjoyable day. A bit of a white knuckle ride for my sisters though as I've not driven a car in 7 odd years LOL
Out with the sisters

Back on Koh Tao, First day diving for Si.  Great conditions

Back in the water now.  We've only missed diving the last few days we were in the UK.  It certainly is good to have a break.  I'm sure our ears are grateful.  It is good to be diving again, water is warm, visibility is so good.  Nothing worse than coming back to horrible diving.

It was so lovely see everyone.  Thank you to Rosie & Fiona for ferrying me around, Iona for the amazing cooking lessons and to everyone else for just being lovely :-D

Rosie, Charles, Rob, Tom & Mupps, we don't quite know what we'd do if we couldn't come home to the farm, so Thank You for putting up with us.



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