Friday 5 July 2019

05 July 2019

I feel awful about the lack of posts.  Sorry!!!!

It's been very quiet on Koh Tao but Simon and I have been really busy.
I've just said goodbye to a group of 10 Indian kids and a group leader.  They booked through Eco to do their PADI Open Water Course and then 3 days of Marine conservation.   It was a little challenging but with the help of Simon and an old Eco intern, we survived.    This is only the 2nd group that we have catered for.  The first, 3 girls and a tour leader were all very nice but they're not the best in the water and they were pretty demanding at times  (LOL I know what all of you go through having to put up with me)   This last group of 10 were lovely but it took ages to get everyone going.   They were all really polite and very smiley :-D

After their snorkel clean up

We've got lots of meeting this week and courses to attend.  In the last month or so the DMCR Department of Marine Coastal Resources have put their foot down and have demanded that all the dive schools doing any coral restoration send in a proposal highlighting exactly what they have been doing in the name of 'restoration'.  We've already attended one training session which was a bit a farce and a bit of a kick in the teeth as we've been working with them for years.   It's only as so many dive schools have jumped on the band wagon with 'ECO' that they want to ensure that things are done in the correct way, not that their diving skills or experience is the best but it's better than nothing and hopefully it will eliminate some of the cowboys out there! 

Nathan, Aussie dude, founder of Eco Koh Tao is back for a week or two with his family. We are running a Reef Restoration Masterclass here on the island.   People have flown in from all over.  It should be interesting as we're not allowed to do any coral work. 

I hope everyone is well and that you're all missing us!

Sending our love

Jenny & Si


1 comment:

RogerD said...

Of course we're missing you................xx