Saturday 18 August 2018

18th August 2018

A few tears were shed when it came to saying goodbye to the T's at the Seatran ferry.  I was doing really well until it came to the hugs.  What am I like?!

So I've been keeping busy, catching up with the things that I should have been doing the past couple of weeks.  I've been out diving Simon to collect data, measure and take pictures of all our 'Adopt A Corals'  which then takes an incredible amount of time for Simon to update the website.  He's a star!!

This morning Simon was up at 3.45 am unable to sleep and then had film some fun divers on the morning boat!   Tired and sore ears are not the best combination

So just to remind you of where we live,  here are a few pictures of our house. 

Here is a picture of a beautiful sunset which unfortunately Chris, Fiona, Chloe & Iona missed out on when they were here


rosieposie said...

Tears what are they Jen....?
Lovely pad and great sunset. Xx

Eco Jenny said...

LOL! Tears of happiness should be used to those :-D