Tuesday 27 June 2017

27th June 2017

It's Tuesday today and it's pretty grim outside which makes a lovely change as it's lovely and cool. The last week or so the weather has been pretty odd.  Lovely blue sky in the morning and then early afternoon, the sky has darkened and we've had howling wind with rain.   I'm not too sure how long this will last but I hope it'll clear up soon as we might have a friend, Kevin and his daughter visiting on the 30th.

The weekend just gone both Simon and I had the day off together.  It was so lovely not to have to get up, lie in bed with a cuppa and just chill for most of the morning.  I say that, but Simon is near enough always doing stuff  whether it's on his laptop or tablet ..but not having anyone around or being down at Crystal, was great!    I love spending the day with my hubby!!

Since we've been back, I've been pretty good cycling everywhere.  I cycle to/fro work everyday and depending on time and weather I'll go out during the week and at weekends.   Last weekend I started cycling back up to the reservoir, one of my old routes.  I was quite surprised that I could still make it as it's really steep in places.   I must be brave and start exploring some of the new roads that are even steeper :-D    During the week, I've also started doing a 20 minute workout that Simon downloaded for me.  I'm only doing this every other day to make up for me not swimming as the pool that I usually use (The Regal) is being repaired.  All the other pools are either just too busy or a pain in the neck to get to.

viewpoint from my cycle to the reservoir

Yesterday I though I'd do a bit of glass cutting with my new 'glass bottle cutter'.   After several attempts with different size bottles, a DMT, Rebecca and I managed to make 2 glasses in 3hrs.  We need to perfect our scoring technique and I think we need to improve our heating/cooling of the glass.

Today Simon was on the early boat (7am)  filming Open Water students as there were 4 groups wanting video's.   He woke at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep so must be shattered.  So before he returned on the morning boat,  I cycled into Sairee to buy him a yummy lunch from 'Through the looking glass' ..they're the only place on the island that do decent bread rolls (Chris & Fi, you've sampled their rolls on your first trip here) and cakes  ...it's the closest to 'Rosies Tea Room' we have on Koh Tao :-D

Si editing his OW movie

Video Tim was out filming too.    It's lovely to see good ole Tim back in action.  I'd forgotten how vocal he could be when sat with headphones on, editing.   Homer Simpson the 2nd :-D

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