Monday 4 March 2013

5th March 2013 - Dengue Fever!


Its official... the blood test came back positive. The clinic wanted to keep me in overnight with a drip, but I refused as a weekend night at the clinic would not be very peaceful.. So, Jen and I went home to rest, and I informed the insurance company of the situation.

The next morning, Jenny left to finish her Open Water course, while I gingerly rode to the clinic feeling quite dizzy... As soon as I arrived they jabbed me with a glucose injection and stuck an IV drip into me.. Then it was transportation to Koh Samui..

The journey took about 3 hours, standard ferry trip and then ambulance from the port to the Bangkok Samui hospital. Once into the ER room, I had a gaggle of nurses poking and prodding, taking blood adding a new IV line (missing twice)... and then a ton of documents to sign to acknowledge all costs (so far about £2,000 !).

The easiest way to monitor Dengue Fever and make sure it doesn't turn into the bad type is to count the platelets in the blood.. The last 3 days they have been 164,000 , 143,000, and today 120,000... So still dropping and probably will for a few more days. With this count, my levels are still pretty healthy although below what they should be..  we shall see what happens.

Body temperature has been up and down like a yoyo... Fever for a couple of hours, and then fine for a couple of hours... highest temp was 39.7C !!

Anyway, I am glad to say that Jenny came over this morning to keep me company for a day or 2... Here is a picture of me in my hospital glad rags.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please stay safe, don't go back to work until your fully recovered, plenty of RnR xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx