Saturday 23 March 2013

24th March 2013

I received my blood test results on my birthday!

Thankfully it was good news and my liver function has returned to normal, so apart from a few bouts of tiredness I am back to full health.

My birthday was fairly uneventful throughout the day. I was on an instructor course, sitting in class for most of the day, while Jen was working with an Open Water course of 8 people.  In the evening however, a few friends joined us for dinner at the local pizza place called Porto Bello.

I left a little inebriated, and we hopped into a taxi home, whereupon we both slept like logs!

The next day it was back to work for both of us, and Jen is still continuing to dive with the same students conducting Advanced Open Water.

Last night, one of Jenny's friends (Sophie) arrived on the island... we went to dinner at Whitening (Thai / Western food) and Sophie is going to take a Discover Scuba Dive today. Jenny has refused to conduct it as they won't stop laughing... Hopefully she enjoys it and maybe wants to do an actual course... either way, I think the next week that Sophie is here is going to be full of a few late nights!

Day off today for me! My plan is to wrap up some UK work, and then hit the bar for the Formula 1 this afternoon.... SWEET!



1 comment:

Roy said...