Wednesday 28 November 2012

29th November 2012

Well well well....

Both of us completed our courses... and got to have a day off!!!  Its a good thing for me really as I have barely been out of the water this whole month.  My foot rot has returned (although at the moment, it is under control and no where near as bad as before)... 

The rain is still continuing... its bleak, damp, cold and miserable... Nothing is dry... the smell of damp is everywhere.... welcome to Monsoon...

The first lightning storm came this morning, with a big whopping bang, which sent Jen diving for cover... quite amusing !

So, the day will be spent watching Eastenders episodes and doing UK work... while trying to keep my foot dry... maybe I'll do some xmas shopping too..!



1 comment:

Roy said...

I hope the foor rot clears up soon bro.