Tuesday 13 March 2012

12th March 2012

Open Water went really well. 
The group were really good and I think it was the most confident group I've had in a long time.  A pity that the two Austrian lads decided to have a day off due to one of them cutting something in his throat.  Lucky for them, Simon said he'd take them instead of being put with a load of chinese. If only they knew how lucky they were
After a pretty easy couple of days diving, the group had qualified and we all met later at Vibe to watch their video   ...which Im glad to say, two sold.

I had the next day off while Si had to meet the two Austrian boys for dives 1+2 and then he was up early the following morning for their dives 3 & 4.
After a surprize lunchtime visit from Simon and a delicioius egg, bacon and sausage sandwich, Si has a 20min snooze and then headed back to the office.
Around 3.30pm I headed down to Crystal to meet Si as we were off to New Heaven dive school to go out on the boat with them to witness and catch some coral sporn.    We eventually headed out around 6.30, set up our gear and jumped in the water for a quick survey of the area to find certain species that were going to spawn.  Spawning happens only a couple of times a year and a few days after full moon, which is related to the lunar calender ...so corals marked, the divers took it in shifts to watch for any sporning action.  It was all pretty exciting  and just a waiting game.  At one stage someone surfaced and shouted GO GO GO  ..we all kitted up as quickly as possible and jumped in  ...but unfortunately only one of the corals at the deep marker had started spawning  ..and only a small amount of coral spawn was collected.


Roy said...

Never has collecting sper....oops spawn been so exciting!

Yvonne said...

Tttttttttut tut Roy. At least you managed to collect a small amount.
Good to hear Jenny has recovered.
Take care xxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

And a big sorry about lack of posts... the internet has been down for days... only on very occasionally.. waiting for it to be fixed...
