Friday 27 January 2012

27th January 2012

Wow... The work never stops... Jen has been teaching advanced, then Deep and Nitrox, while I taught advanced...

It is soooo busy that we are both tired and stressed from the amount of work that we still haven't found our feet yet.

I finished a 2 person Chinese advanced last night (completing their Night Dive at Junkyard), while Jen completed her dives this morning, but then she went straight back into teaching in a class.

Today, after dropping Jen down at the dive school at silly oclock for her dives... I went back to the apartment when I had a list of chores. Collect washing, fix shower, find UK adaptor, pick up Xbox, talk to Divemaster trainee protege (I am a DMT's mentor!).... and sort out the ant infestation.

For the past 2 nights when we arrived home, the place was covered in ants... thousands of them!  So, I went searching for this special chalk which they hate... Now, I have drawn all over the floor and outside in the hope that they "don't cross the line"...

Jen finishes in a couple of hours, and is coming straight home on her new mountain bike!! YES IT HAS ARRIVED.... pics to come..!



1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Great to hear that your busy, missing you both loads xxxxxxxxxxxxx