Monday 1 August 2011

1st August - Dive Site Clean Up

So, still outta the water, and continuing to plough on with UK work.

A couple of days ago, I did venture out on the afternoon boat to act as surface cover for the Eco Dive Clean Day, that we have once a month...

In the morning, DMTs were scheduled to clean up around the Pier, where people arrive... To be honest, it was a crap heap... sooooo much rubbish... It was a very good hour spent picking up loads of plastic bottles, polystyrene containers, and glass. 

Once we had finished, we took our full baskets and returned them to our pier to be collected later by the binman...

Then it was time for the dives... As I still have a crappy chest, I elected to do surface cover (arranging the boat, safety etc) ... Typically of the past week, bad weather came in just as we got on the boat, and I got pretty wet and damp.... not too pleasing....

Jenny, jumped in with other dives, and after an hour sitting by myself watching the bubbles on the surface, the divers returned.. Good news was that not much rubbish was collected.




Roy said...
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Roy said...

Where do the dustmen put it, back in the ocean??? Has anyone done some research about that? Good job, by the way!

Unknown said...

Thats a very good point bro.. Another issue is the rubbish here. It is taken to a landfill site on the island... I shall head up there one day to take pics... not pretty.

Yvonne said...

Sounds like Britain, it's just a case of movong rubbish from one place to another.

Roy said...

Sad as it is, I tend to think about the overall of my faults, I think...but, an island so small...where does the rubbish go?

Roy said...

Who 'police's' the rubbish to make sure it's not being thrown into the ocean?.....

Unknown said...

No one "polices" it.. The binmen arrived in their little bin truck and drive it up to the landfill area... some gets burnt, and some just stays there... not very eco... but small island with little infrastructure..