Thursday 28 July 2011

28th July 2011

Not a very interesting past few days...

I have had Man Flu.... one of the most debilitating illnesses a guy can get.. Obviously, male readers will understand the toll this takes on you and women... well they never understand :-)

So, while I have generally been laying on a couch moaning and groaning, I have been working on UK work... like CRAZY!!!

Jen in the meantime has hardly been out of the water, taking mutiple Discover Scuba Divers, and today starting another 5 person (all Irish) Open Water Course... She is becoming a little star!

In other news, there is a 600 tonne crane and boat sitting just offshore.... They are involved in an operation to move the HMS Sattakut wreck to the original position that it should have been sunk last month, and to place it upright. A huge job, and I hope that all goes well... more details soon..


Roy said...

I fully sympathise with you as I have experienced this terrible affliction...Get well soon!!

Yvonne said...

Sorry to hear your poorly, You need to put vick on your chest, (You'll have to shout loud, I don't think there is many blokes call vick out there)Ha HA xxx

Unknown said...

No Vicks on the island as far as I know.... but there are a couple of Vicki's

