Wednesday 3 November 2010

Day 271 - 2nd November 2010

This morning we headed down to 'Zest' for breakfast feeling slightly hungover from the Halloween party.
The weather was still pretty pants so we headed down to Freedom Beach where we checked out conditions as  we were supposed to be taking the american students out snorkelling to do 'Coral Watch' but with the massive surges and not wanting to see students torn to pieces by coral, it was called off.  So we spent most of the day in 'Safety Stop' playing Settlers of Catan with Luana, Kat & Debbie.

In the evening we passed by the Crystal bar for a couple and then headed home for an early night.  I'm so glad we did as the wind picked up and rain lashed down.  Later on, came the thunder and lightening which we both got up to watch.



Roy said...

It sounds as though the weather has taken a turn for the worse. Looking forward to coming back to Blighty?

jenny said...

With the weather like this, it'll be an improvement!!