Monday 18 October 2010

Day 257 - 18th October - New Ear Update

So, I ventured again to Koh Samui to visit the specialist as he had returned to the hospital. Leaving Jen on Koh Tao again, was a bit dissapointing, but she had Eco work to do, and it would have been selfish of me to ask her to come, and sit around bored with me.

Anyway, leaving Koh Tao in the morning and arriving on Samui, I caught a cab straight to the hospital. Getting in, I had my blood pressure and weight taken as per usual (weird practice they do with everybody who comes in).

Upon seeing the specialist, he hoovered my ears out again. This time however, it was not the pleasant experience it was before. Some nerve in one of my teeth didn't like it, and it took a lot of effort to not flinch.

Once the ears were clear, he examined then, and got me to equalise. This was the 1st time in 2 weeks I had attempted equalisation... and it worked! So, he declared the perforation healed!

BUT! He also said that the bacterial infections had cleared mostly, but what remained were fungal infections... So, another course of new ear drops, and antihistamines. He anticipated 3-5 days of drops, and then 5 days before attempting to dive, if everything was cool... I am crossing my fingers!

Then it was back to the hotel, for a boring day... I went out for supplies, but I just don't like Samui one bit... seeing English louts drunk at 5pm is not a pretty sight and is rather embarassing to be associated with that.

So, food bought, it was back to the hotel, to play Formula 1 2010 on my PC, speak to Jenny, and bed.


Phil said...

That's good news mate, here's to you being able to dive soon! :)

Yvonne said...

Good to hear that your ears are on the mend.
Shame that the lager louts give us brits a bad name,

Roy said...

Good news bro. Its a shame that a minority put the British to shame. What's F1 like? I have my fingers crossed for you too.

RogerD said...

So, now 3 days later, I presume you're back with Jen on Koh Tai and taking the pills for a couple of weeks before even thinking of diving. We're crossing fingers that the healing process will succeed and you can get back being a fish again xx

Unknown said...

I was back, but now we are off the island again to do a visa run.. Drops and pills for a few more days, and then a further few days rest before the big test!!