Monday 6 September 2010

Pin Up of the Mutt

Congratulations to all the contestants in last months Pin Up contest.! It just goes to show that a chick in a bikini can get ya big votes! Tracy won by a landslide victory. Well Done!

This month, as you may have guessed... we have a slight twist.
Meet our 3 new contestants!

First contestant from Crystal Beach, Mae Haad is Jim Bob!

Jim Bob like most Thai dogs, has several owners or none... depending on how he feels. He has a penchant for nosing around innocently when is some food left over, before quickly making a getaway. A friendly, and well groomed dog, he has a nice temperament apart from 1 little growl at Jen on our first days on the island.

Number Two from Crystal Beach, Mae Haad is Ming Mong

A new addition to the pack, Ming Mong keeps himself quiet, unless one of the boat boys appears.. This can sometimes end in a very tense stand off, unless water or kick up the bum is quickly applied. Not know Ming Mong too well, I keep my distance. But maybe beneath that tough exterior there beats a heart of gold.... you decide...

And our final contestant is Mr Le Pew also from Crystal

Mr Le Pew, has a knack for sleeping. He's an expert at it, which I prefer to the moments when he is awake and yappy yap yapping.

A rather pungent dog, I keep my distance, just in case I catch something from this little stinker. But he is well loved by the Crystal Thai staff... I just struggle to see why!

Well, get voting folks... you have 1 week!


Roy said...

Jim Bob looks like he needs a good steak!

Yvonne said...

How can you choose, they are all lovely.
Whats the prize a nice juicey bone.