Sunday 26 September 2010

Day 25 - 26th September 2010

Jen had an idea the other day, to paint the back of the bar as it was looking shabby. So after getting the paint sorted, she began the long task of sanding, painting etc.

Most of the day was spent applying 4 coats (and still needs a few touches).

This is just the base, as some drawing will be applied over the next few days (weeks?)

At 5pm after spending all day painting, we headed home for a quick shower and off to the film festival.

By the end of the night, some pretty good movies had been viewed. Apparently the winner came down to 1 vote.... I came 2nd.

There was a bit of an uproar about the winner not being deserving, but I think its best to just be satisfied and proud of all 3 movies that I was involved in... mine, Jens, and a Deep Down Productions student video.




Roy said...

IT'S A FIX!!!! Well done.

Yvonne said...

It's better than coming last. WELL DONE!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx