Sunday 29 August 2010

Day 208 - 28th August 2010

Ear pain still :-(

So today, we met up with the Eco Team to discuss future plans. Lots of stuff on the go, but first task was to strip the old tank trunk, removing all plastic, rubber etc to prepare it to go in the water.

The truck is now ready to go... We just have to get it to Junkyard... I think it will be a mission!

Later that evening, we went to Crystal, for a BBQ and a couple of beers.. I was glad to leave as my ear was pounding... Bed was calling.

On a side note, we heard some terrible news yesterday. Delphine and Aidy, locals on Koh Tao (and the first 2 people we met on Koh Tao, last year) were in Bangkok where sadly Delphine died during childbirth.

Everyone here is stunned and shocked by this very sad news, and we send our deepest condolences to her family.


Roy said...

Sad news bro - a rare event during childbirth.

Roy said...

Must be fun taking that apart.

Yvonne said...

How sad,She looks so young.

Yvonne said...

That poor old car, good luck with your mission xxxxxxxx

Roy said...

Is that sugar I can see in amongst the basket full of parts?

Unknown said...

It is sugar... didn't notice that before!