Wednesday 18 August 2010

Day 197 - 17th August 2010

So, we started an Open Water course this morning.. Tired as I was from the boat... I was itching to get teaching, and Jen and I had 2 students each.

More info later when they complete their course, but in the meantime Katti was having a fun dive at Southwest pinnacle, when they discovered a net covering a large portion of the pinnacle.

Please watch and share your views. It increasingly annoys and dismays me at the damage we as humans do.

Thanks for the vid Katti.



Yvonne said...

Us humans have alot to answer for, Sad too see all those fish drowning. A very good video

Roy said...

I sometimes feel that we are fighting a losing battle with stuff like this. But, bro - you still do a great job. As Tesco's motto says - 'Every Little Helps'.