Wednesday 5 May 2010

Day 90 - 4th May 2010

Simon left around 10am and went to Deep Down to help Andy with his documentary and I stayed at home.   I got up as soon as Si left and caught up with the blog, emails and charged my phone & Ipod.

After blogging and mailing, I sorted out all my Open Water paperwork and typed up all of my notes/sequence of skills that I'd taken from the courses that I've team taught, then filed all my Advanced Open Water paperwork and exam answer sheets.  I still need to write all the skills onto a white slate but I think I'll do that after I've assisted on a few more courses just to work out the best sequence for me.

After another cup of tea (it's a hard life;-)) I washed both Simons new motorbike and my pushbike which I've borrowed from Nathans wife, Tracy.  They're both gleaming now, just wonder whether Simon notices ;-)

I've had another bad ear (now my right one) for the last couple of days and I've been taking eardrops and Ibuprofen for the pain ..its doesn't seem as bad today but I popped down to the pharmacy just to get it checked out and lo and behold, yet another ear infection!   Don't know what's going on, Im always washing my ears with fresh water after diving's getting annoying now.   Saying that, in the last few days, Si's got sort of rash all over his body.  It's not itchy, just looks really odd.  Im sure he'll be off to the pharmacy to get it checked out later.

Tonight, it's our friend, Tina's leaving dinner.  She's going back home to Canada for a few weeks, so looking forward to that.


Yvonne said...

Sorry to hear you have another ear infection, very painful.
Simon's rash looks like a heat rash,or he has eated something that disagrees with him. You both take care of yourselves. xxxxx

Roy said...

Best you go and see a doc...hope you feel better soon.