Friday 30 April 2010

Day 83/84- 27,28th April 2010

All of the Open Water students decided to do their Advanced course which was great.  I just feel for Clare the girl with the ear infection that couldn't continue but at least she's got her Scuba Diver certification.

In the Advanced course, the students have to do a 'Deep' (30mtrs) and 'Navigation' dive combined with another three, so the majority went for Peak Performance Buoyancy, Night, Wreck apart from one who chose Photography.

The Advanced course, two days of diving went really well apart from the night dive which I found the most challenging.

On the Night dive descent, one of the girls freaked just 1 or 2 meters down because her torch went out and managed to scramble to the surface between the rungs of the boats ladder  ..which is near enough impossible but once I whacked her light, which then came on again, she was fine.  I dread to think what might have happened if it had been choppy.

Once in the water there was a slight current which didnt help. Then to find an appropriate place and to communicate to them, to navigate a reciprocal heading  (which I'd briefed and written down on a slate for them)  was a complete nightmare, God knows what I would have done if Simon wasn't there.  Then once that was over, I spotted a cuttle fish, my first since being on the island and what did one of the girls do?  She nearly stood on it!   Arrggggh!!!    As you can tell, taking students out on a night dive for the first time is not one of my favourite pastimes.


Roy said...

So, woman diving are the same as they are at driving? ;)

I love cuttle fish, in fact I think it's got to be in my top ten of my favorite fish. What do you think?

jenny said...

It's a good job your in the UK young man!! ;-)

Yvonne said...

That must have been pretty scary, we all have to learn as you did Roy, you cheeky boy