Friday 16 April 2010

Day 70 - 14th April 2010

Yet again Si was up ridiculously early and on the PC when I woke.  I got up and made a cuppa and an egg sandwich.
The day was empty today so didnt have to do a thing.   I got on with some washing and pottered about whilst Si was on the computer.

At some point we had to go to Mae Haad to collect the bike at Safety Stop after leaving it there (very wisely) after Song kran.

In the afternoon we watched 'End of the Line' a documentary about over fishing and then an episode of Eastenders before venturing out.

Down at Crystal we met a few people had a quick beer and then went to 'Pranees' for food and headed home.

It was a very quiet day after the events of Songkran...... thankfully.....!


Roy said...

A day of rest at last eh? How are your lug 'oles, Jen?

jenny said...

not bad, still blocked but on the mend, just taking ages ;-(

Roy said...

It's good to hear.....