Saturday 20 March 2010

Day 45 - 19th March 2010

The morning was spent at home, I collected washing and tidied up whilst Si did some work.

Around midday we hopped on the bike and headed to Crystal as today there was a 'Dive Clean Up'.

Today's clean up was just off Maehead beach.  As there were 20 or so of us, Nathan was going  make 2 trip in the longtail.   The drop off point was 'Junk yard' the artificial reef that Simon & I  helped create.  Once there, divers would drop in and then head straight back to Crystal, collecting any rubbish on their way.

After setting up Nathan briefed us all and then we split into small groups making sure that the less experienced were paired with instructors.  All equipped with mesh bags, scissosr for cutting nets tangled in the coral and compasses, we were ready to go.  

Simon & I had been put with two newly qualified divers.  Once in the water we descended we were on  the hunt for rubbish.  I was astonished, 30 or so minutes into the dive and all we had was a plastic back.  By this time we were probably only 50 meters from Crystal and it was getting very shallow, so Simon put up his safety sausage (SMB) just in case any longtails decided to drive straight over us.
I was pleased but dissappointed by the lack of rubbish we found wasnt until the last 15 meters or so that I found a bucket, fishing line, sack and some plastic that was pretty satisfying.

Once everyone had made it back, we sorted our finds into different baskets washed our kit and then packed it away.   We all then gathered for a couple of photo's, holding the ' Dive Site Clean Up' banner.

Back at home, we had a couple of hours to relax and then at 6.30, had to meet Rocky Horror Crystal team down at the stage where the festival is being held for a quick rehearsal.    What we hadn't expected is a bloody great big tree in the middle of the stage ..why on earth they've set up the stage around a tree, God knows.  Anyway, we had limited time so we just about managed to go through our routine making a few adjustment due to the tree.  After only 10 or so minutes we were told to clear the stage so all decided to go back to the Koh Tao Regal and practice some more.
I just hope everything will be ready when we arrive tomorrow night to perform.....

1 comment:

Roy said...

I await the pics and I'm sure there will be some sore heads in the morning.