Friday 12 March 2010

Day 36 - Koh Tao - 11th March 2010

The Vibe BBQ was pretty good.  We must have got down there around 8.30pm.  There was a massive queue for the food so we just parked ourselves at the bar and I waited for it to subside before grabbing a sausage in a bun, Si didnt fancy a bread roll so didnt eat.

Our first nights sleep was great.  Apart from getting up a couple of  times to check what was happening outside as there was an almighty thunder/lightning storm going on  ...I slept really well but Si had a very restless night.

After Simon did a couple of hours work and I watched Eastenders we biked down to Crystal with my Ikelite camera housing to test it in the pool for any leakage ..thankfully everything was ok.  We then dried it and headed to Deep Down Productions (2 min walk) as they kindly said I could store it there.   So now, all I've got to do is take my camera down and start taking some photo's on our dives  ...can't wait!!

With that job out of the way we then headed for the phone shop as the phone I'd bought in Bangkok died on me. After looking at a few, I decided on a Samsung.  Cheap, easy to use, what more could one want? ;-)

As we walked out of the phone shop the heavens opened so we ran into a jewellery shop for shelter.  I had a quick look around, spotted and bought a leather necklace.   This wasn't for me but for Simon. He had been given a lovely pendant but the lace it came with was really thin and scrawny so needed replacing. 

Ten or so minutes passed and the rain came.  We hopped on the bike and zoomed home to charged the phone, re-laced the pendant and so that Si could do MORE work.

In the evening we went to Crystal to meet Katti (Finish girl) who'd just arrived back on the island. She was doing her Dive Master training the same time as us  last year and also helped out on a lot of the ECO projects. 


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