Thursday 25 February 2010

Day 22 - Koh Tao

Si had been up for an hour at least before I surfaced around 10.40am after another unplanned late night.

We'd invited Scott up for food and a game of pool, then Alan & Heidi joined us and we ended up chatting and playing pool till 1am   ..Scott eventually caught a taxi home after Alans assistance as not many taxi's want to venture up our mountainous hill.

Most of the day was spent in the pool as we hadn't booked to go on any dives and Tina (fellow instructor) was out of the water due to her ear being inflamed so we all just to played around in the pool having doggy paddle races, handstand competions and all that marlarky.

A few hours later we all felt peckish, so decided to go 'Safety Stop' to grab some food.  Si logged onto the internet as usual to do work.  After eating, Tina went home and I popped out with Scott to buy his ferry ticket to Koh Samui for tomorrow morning.    On our return, we got the checkers out and I gave Scott a good thrashing ;-)    We had good intention to go to mini golf when it got a bit cooler but Si received a few more urgent jobs that needed to be done, so we ended up staying.
Scott left around 7pm to get showered and returned an hour later  ..thankfully Si had just about completed all that he all he could, so we had a celebratory beer and headed to Dirty Nelly's for food, before retiring early.

1 comment:

Roy said...

An early night? Not like you..! ;)