Tuesday 3 March 2009

Our Alarm Clock

These bugs are called Cicada.. The small one is a young un, and the larger one a fully grown adult.

Cicadas live underground as grubs for most of their lives, sometimes up to 17 years. They feed on root juice and have strong front legs for digging. Then one day they burrow back up, grow wings and live for a couple days making a huge racket (like a cricket, but louder!).


rosie posie said...

jenny I am still trying to work this out. It's now making me cross. I followed the instructions and then got muddled with it. I can't send a blog . Might ask Stef???
I wasn't made for computers Jennie. Love the info though. LOL big sisXXX

rosie posie said...

will leave computer on, instead of only a few mins in eve!!!!
Tom in bed - throat and temp.
hows yr foot Simone.
Off to Fleet, Millets closing by the way. Snow is due at W/E Yipeee
hows the food?

FiFi said...

eerrrr yuuukk! You wont be sucking his big toe then Jen! Hope its healing well
middle sis Fi Fi.xx