Tuesday 3 February 2009

3rd February - Day 2 Rescue Diver Course

Hi Guys,

Please forgive us, but the next update will not be until the 4th/5th as the course we are doing is soooooooooo intense... jumping in and out of boats in full scuba gear with tank... then carrying someone up a ladder and giving them CPR, before having to save another drowning victim.... is sapping all our energy.... not including the theory side!

Our final Rescue Diver day, including practice and theorectical exams begins tomorrow morning... so we are gonna cram our knowledge reviews.... until we see the back of our eyelids...

Much love to all and will Skype peeps, in 2/3 days...

Take care in that deep snow!!!


Jen & Si


Jeff said...

you must be really exhausted, also you seem to have lost a month somewhere....Its now Feb

Unknown said...

Ta.... changed the title!! SEE HOW TIRED I AM!!!!

;-) ... right off to exams! byeee...