Saturday 18 November 2017

17 Nov 2017

It's so lovely to have Simon back.     It wasn't great that when he did arrive back in Thailand, he had to spend an extra night on Koh Samui due the timing of the boats.  Sods law really, you arrive on time thinking you have lots of time and then you hit the biggest immigration queue ever and that has a knock on effect on everything! 

He is my Superman!!

It doesn't really take long to get back into the swing of things and before you know it a couple of weeks have nearly gone by.    Si's been teaching Self Reliant, social media, the bar and just about everything else and looking after everyone else ..time just goes!!  

I currently have a 19 yr old Norwegian (navy) chap that's doing a 6 week ECO internship.  It's good to have a helping hand, even though he only likes doing some jobs, he's a little bit cocky and knows best, all the time, but he's a good lad  LOL!

Oli, my intern doing a research project for me

It's Saturday today and I've spent most of the day in bed.  I bent down to empty the recycling crate  and put my back out.  So after finishing off a few bits in the office, Si took me home and I've been here ever since.  It's feeling much better today but still have trouble walking up straight.  I hope it doesn't last too long.  It's a  right pain!!  LOL

Saturday 11 November 2017

Wednesday 1 November 2017

01st November 2017



Hoping you have/had a lovely day! 

Thinking of you

Jenny Wren & Sid