Saturday, 19 July 2014

20th July 2014

My first day back at work today. 

I was down at Crystal around 7.50am due to start a Rescue course with one chap but manage to put him off until tomorrow as there's someone else starting.  So rather than earning the minimal, I can at least boost my wages a little, seeing I missed out on the full moon madness.

This guy (Valentin) is going on to do his Reef Check, so after convincing him to start a day late, I took him for a one on one dive to Junk Yard, showing him all our coral transplants, structures and pointing out Algae, sponges, hard & soft corals.   So at least he has a little heads up.

He seems pretty switched on so I think Rescue will go pretty well.

As I don't get paid for this morning or if I stayed in the office, wouldnt get paid for that either, I cycled home, stopping on the way to get some milk, rat poison and a rat trap as we have an unwelcome guest at the moment. 

I've set the trap and put down the poison, it's only a matter of time.


rosie posie said...

Hope your visitor is not in with your Gheko's....? Hope your catch your rat. xxx quite right not going back to work too soon, rest while you can. xXx

RogerD said...

Reminds me of James Cagney. Sometimes recovery can take a while to get your energy back. xx