Wednesday, 11 June 2014

10th June 2014

The last couple of days it was a chill out time...

A little snorkelling, a bit of laying by the pool... and returning to restaurants for food..

Simon and I were up and dressed early.  The plan was to shoot down to Maehaad to meet Simons father & Kate for coffee before they caught the 9.30 Seatran Ferry but their hotel transit had dropped them with their heavy cases at the ferry terminal and at the wrong one  …so rather than sipping coffee at Café Del Sol, we only had a brief time with them before saying goodbye and boarded the Seatran to reserve their seats and get comfy. 

It’s been fabulous year so far, so many family members coming to see us and what’s brilliant is that finally they can see where we live, work and understand what’s so appealing  ..everyone says they’ve had a great time and would like to stay, so hopefully they’ll be back or come and visit if we set up home elsewhere.

Our visitors this year
Chris, Fiona, Chloe & Iona
Roger & Kate


RogerD said...

After our last evening on the Turtle, (spent at Whitening on the beach with the four of us), it was a sad goodbye at the ferry terminal the following morning. A multitude of memories floated with us; breakfasts at Zest and Cafe Del Sol, dinners at Fizz, Whitening, Dolce Vita, Yangs, Prannees and the one whose name we never grasped that was in the hills above Simon and Jen's place. Other favourite places we'll remember are Hin Wong Bay, Nang Yuan, Crystal Bar, Safety Stop, Regal Resort, Jamakkiri and of course Mae Head town. Let's not forget our taxi drive Mr P.Pol who would always turn up within 3 minutes of receiving a phone call no matter where we were.

It was lovely to see Simon and Jen almost every day and they proved to be excellent tourist guides showing us all the sites and keeping us on the steep and narrow. Seeing where they live and the people that they work with was a joy and we hope to see them both soon...............

Dad and Kate


rosie posie said...

Know how you were feeling, always sad to say goodbye. : (
Jen and Simone are the perfect hosts, I need to buck my ideas up.....!
Love the pics, what a happy relaxed bunch were were.
Hope you have a good journey home Roger and Kate.
Until the next time....?

rosie posie said...

Know how you were feeling, always sad to say goodbye. : (
Jen and Simone are the perfect hosts, I need to buck my ideas up.....!
Love the pics, what a happy relaxed bunch we were.
Hope you have a good journey home Roger and Kate.
Until the next time....?

That reads better.

Unknown said...

Lung Pae was the restaurant at the top Dad...

And thanks for the kind words, its always so great to have family here... but always such a downer when they leave.... Someone needs to hurry the hell up and invent teleportation!


RogerD said...

I've got some time now - I'll start working on it.......x