So, slighty over 3 months after arriving back in the UK, we left the farm on the sunniest day since we had returned... was the bad weather following us or something??!
We were dropped at Heathrow by Charles and Rosie (thanks guys!) and after a slightly tearful farewell by the two sisters, we checked in.
14 hours later, we arrived at Bangkok airport, and after a bit of wandering around, we found the shuttle bus to the hotel.

After check in, we went to our room, and I immediately got on the internet to sort some work stuff out, while Jen went to the gym (good girl!). We both met at the pool bar, before going back to our room, showering, and sitting in our dressing gowns.

Jenny wrote an email to her sis, and then we hit the hay ready for another flight in the morning.

First blog of many! Good to see you made it to BKK safely.
You could have put the toilet seat down in that photo! Now waiting for an update about your arrival on the island.......
We arrived yesterday... and have been sleeping most of the time... but today... I shall do one!
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