So, double diving it with 16 people, we got a lot done! While Jen took a bunch of guys to fix 1 structure, me and Carsten (in his fantastic rooster hoodie) went to fix the Tin Man.

Although the visibility is still not good, there was a lot of good work done, and even a great barracuda on the site.... very nice!

Next dive, since Carsten was itching to saw something, I let him loose on the truck tyres... Carsten was unaware that the tyres are threaded with steel wire... and 15 minutes later, he gave up much to my amusement..!

Then we headed to the new coral nurseries, to give the a waft and remove sedimentation..

A great day, and all tasks that we needed to complete, were done... its good to be diving again... :-)
It's looking good, you have all worked really hard. xxxxx
It must feel good to be wet again..
Why saw the tyres anyway? That was cruel, Simon! Funny though! ;)
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