Yesterday, a whaleshark was spotted at Chumphon Pinnacle. Unfortunately, Jen and I had a few drinks last night, and getting up at 6am... I couldn't even open a pack of cornflakes!!!
Anyway, camera prepped and dive kit ready.. I hit the boat to Chumphon, and...... NO WHALESHARK!!! Hey ho...
2 dives, no problems... and I went off the beach in the afternoon to Junkyard. There I came across the biggest Barracuda I have ever seen.. 2m long, it was a beast of a fish... Absolutely stunning..
So no Whaleshark, but the Barracuda was awesome.
After that, I nipped to the pool with Jen and Nick... and kicked his butt!
Oh, and forgot to post this piccie of the scorpion in our bed the day before yesterday... yuck!
So, I take it that you check your bed before you get in it!!??!! I would!
Jen is a tad nervy!!
I don't like anything thats crawls.
Scary, they can give you a nasty sting. Is that sort posionous?
Like a bee sting apparently... Wouldn't like to try it though!
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