More classroom theory in the morning, with me being quite grumpy since I hadn't slept enough or eaten properly! Once we were done with that, it was time to grab the afternoon boat for a coral nursery observatory dive.
We dived at Aow Leuk on the other side of the island, and met up with New Heaven dive school to plant coral mushrooms.
Two weeks ago, they dive during a coral spawning (happens once or twice a year) and caught eggs in nets to grow on land (in aquariums) and transplant onto little concrete mushrooms, to see if we can assist in the growth of coral reefs.
Coral spawning

It was a good dive, and due to the highly experimental nature of this project, I don't predict a high success rate, but trial and error can only improve it.
In the evening, after an exploratory night dive, we went to Muay Thai to see a few boxing matches, and then to bed.... super tired...
Pictures briliant, lets keep our fingers cross for success xxx
Simon grumpy? NEVER!! Oh, I'm one to talk! ;)
Interesting blog bro.
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