A long journey through the night and we were a couple of hours from Cairns. We dived 2 dives at a Barrier reef dive site. They were calm and relaxed. With us just checking out the small stuff.
Saw a lovely little pipefish crawling along, and a very friendly Maori Wrasse who apparently attempted to swallow another divers torch.
We also saw a turtle swimming through which was a bonus since we missed out the night before.

Another thing that was on my mind was that this was it. No diving for a long time. Very sad about that. Its been a big part of our last 6 months, and we both enjoy it immensely of course. Now what? How do we deal with not being able to dive nearly every day.. To answer truthfully, I don't know.! We shall see.

We returned to Cairns, a couple of hours later and picked up the trusty camper. Drove to a caravan park, and checked out some skydiving for Thursday. This will be our finale... We leave Australia on Friday morning to fly to Singapore.
So.... not long now folks!
I thought you had a few more days in Cairns before coming back. Are you okay with your baggage or do you need a fright contact there to send heavy stuff back? How long are you in Singapore or is it just a stopover? When do you land back here and what is flight number? You are obviously both gagging to get back to work. Martyn has installed a 7ft deep tub so you can get in now and again when you feel the need.
Ooops, I meant freight contact, not fright (above).....
Dude I feel for you, youve had the time of your life, youve done more in 6 months than a lot of people will do in there lifetimes, youve had a ball, memories eh.. but youve done it, and i so wished i had done something similar... one day maybe when my kids are grown up..
Looking forward to seeing you in the office :) as your paa said, the saltwater tanks waiting for ya lol..
Okay with baggage. Although we are going to be charged, I am billing BA and don't feel that I want to save them money by freighting the very expensive camera equipment. Ta.
Singapore for 3 days then back home.
Flight number is QF009 arriving at 5am on the 14th July...
You and Jen need to apply for a caretakers job on the barrier reef island, there is a documentary on tv at the moment called the greatest job on earth, you would love it, you and Jen on an island.
Hope your journey home is not too stressful.
Luvs yers loads.
By the way did the trumpet fish or pipe fish give you a fanfare for passing your exams.
Your mum just being silly.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I've never seen so many posts! Jeeze - amazing!
Sorry I haven't posted but as you know, I've been away!
Right - can I just say, that I have been Kite-surfing - this was in Poole Harbour, and did some surfing on a board at Boscombe Bay - mmm maybe fall off as soon as I stand!, But loved every minute, once you get the timing right, went like a bullet - awesome! Also did some body boarding too at Boscombe.....man I'm addicted to it now....how does that compare to your posts bro?! Oh, it doesn't really....oh well...;)
Hey - you know I have a contact in Singapore, right? So, if you have any problems, let me know (It's my mate Chris).
Will miss my daily fix of reading your blog. You know from my e mails to you I cannot be as witty as some of your bloggers so thanks to Roy Roger and Yvonne for making me smile with their comments.
Tim left today for the red sea and his week of diving. He is back day after you arrive back .Will he get teh bug like you ? Rosie Fi and I have been very busy Jen doing all those things we said we would! See you at Holdshott soon. Safe trip back Liz
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