Day 6, and we worked our way up the West Coast, 200km North to Fox Glacier, and Franz Josef Glacier.
We spent the drive with blue skies, and sun... Very nice... but a couple of kilometres from the glacier, the weather changed to wind, rain, and cold... but once back out on the highway, it was very pleasant again.
We have just arrived in Greymouth, 200km North of the glaciers, and shall be working our way East tomorrow to try and get a whale watching trip... time permitting!
How much footage have you taken so far and what sort of mileage will you be doing?
By the way, I forgot to say that it looks stunning there. Also, pic 1 - looks like you've got a 'strop on' :)
Footage taken... mmm... maybe a couple of hours worth here... 10 or so in Thailand.... and then Australia to come...
Mileage... so far 1700kms... I think another 1500km or so in the next few days... and then about 7000km in Australia..
And I didn't have a strop on!!! I was concentrating on the road you know!!!
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