Well.... what a dissapointment Zorbing turned out to be!!!
We turned up to a very small hill with the zorbs at the top, and us being the "life on the edge" kinda folk... we turned our noses up and moved on West.
We drove to a place called Waitomo Caves, a massive network of caves... totally massive!
In parts of the Waitomo Caves, they have something called Black Water Rafting. Basically, you stick a helmet on your head, go into the cave, wade into FREEZING water, jump on a rubber tube, and generally freeze your ass off until 3 hours of climbing, walking and tubing...... you finally appear at an exit for the cave.
I must say it was an experience. The feeling of claustrophobia, the freezing water... we still wonder if we enjoyed it!! I haven't been that cold in years.! Before we entered the cave, they tested our ability to deal with the cold water by making us jump into a river that feeds into the cave. It was so cold that one guy stopped breathing for 20 seconds or so... Bit of a scary moment...!
Anyway we survived it... cold and shivering we retired to our camper.
You've always moaned about the cold!
no joke bro... it was feckin freezing...!!!
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