It's been ages since I've blogged ...Sorry!!
It's been full on here with teaching, filming, transplanting, entertaining. Simon's been non stop and hasn't really had a proper day off since we arrived back. I on the other hand have had a couple :-D
So you'll be all glad to hear that Fiona, Chris and he girls arrived safely. They had a great flight but with hardly any sleep. So without too much of a delay and going through the experience of the new 'check in' process, down at the pier, they got on the Haad Tien shuttle bus and headed off to their resort. I gave them an hour or two before cycling over to see them :-) LOL
The resort seems a lot busier, probably due to the summer holidays but it is still one of the prettiest resorts on the island.
Sat down for a little nibble |
View from the girls room |
This time, Fi and the gang have their place under the tree's which is much prettier than being by the pool. you have shade, a breeze, you can hear the waves lapping so the hardest decision to be made is ..Pool or sea? Sea or pool?
Iona taking Uni for a swim |
We've been out snorkeling but no sign of Terry the turtle. I did see a black tip reef shark which Fi missed as she was clearing her mask ;-D
Their first couple of nights, obviously being so tired from the journey, Fiona, Chris and the girls decided not to venture out so invited Simon and I to join them for dinner which was super!
Chris & Fiona's 23rd Wedding Anniversary tomorrow, so we're taking the girls out while they have a romantic meal together at 'Whitening! :-D